Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fall Music Trends

The wedding world tends to be a little behind when it comes to new music, so you will still be hearing many of the top Summer songs this Fall/Winter. "Give Me Everything," "Yeah 3X," "Forget You," and "Dynamite," should all still be packing dance floors.

Dance music (120 beats per minute, BPMs, or more) will definitely still be going strong. With the success that Pitbull has had on other artist’s songs, it is likely that more and more great dance songs will emerge. Hip hop (105 BPMs or slower) really has been left out - dance music has a strong hold right now. Look for some strong dance tracks from Black Eyed Peas, Rhiannon and dare I say, Madonna.

As each year goes by, we really become more and more distant to those songs we heard 10 years ago. There is just so much more music to choose from. Playing those typical wedding songs just don’t apply anymore. Current music is at least 50% of the music that we play. And I think it is going to remain this way for a while and become more and more prominent.

Probably the biggest trend you will see is the advent of dinner music going away from being slow. Mixing good, creative songs will be something we try and keep up. Guests are expecting the DJ to use dinner to show them what is in store for the night. Now, we don’t mean have everyone dancing, but the typical 40 minutes of jazz, chill type of music is quickly becoming extinct.

As with any blog, this is simply my opinion and the good thing with music is that there is something for everyone. But we are no doubt in a great dance music part of the pendulum and I love it.


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