Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What Makes Us Different

When people ask me this question, I usually say, “we answer the phone.” It sounds like a small thing, but in this industry, I think it is a very important thing for us to do. When I call a company with questions or to find out some more information, I appreciate speaking to someone, not a machine. It's more personal.

But over the past couple of months, we have really tried to analyze what makes us different - it can be a hard thing to do. But, after a lot of thought and reflection of past events, we found that our ability to truly reflect our clients personalities and style is what makes us different.

When we meet with our clients and potential clients, we ask a lot of questions in order to get the right information which in turn helps us envision what they want and eventually, provide them with it. We want our clients guests leaving their event saying, "that was them."

Your event should be a reflection of you. We can help you tailor your style and show your personality in a way that all of your guests can enjoy. We love hearing positive feedback from our clients, but the ultimate compliment comes when a client tells us that their guests can't stop talking about it.

Each event calls for different ideas and suggestions - we work through these together to figure out what works best for you, your vision and your venue. You may have seen something in a magazine or at another event that caught your eye - we will work with you to personalize it. Throughout the process of securing your professionals, you are looking for people that "get" your vision, not only do we get it, but we'll help you showcase it.

That might not sound like a huge thing. You may have been expecting some big statement on how we are the best. But I think when all is said and done, and all of the little details come together and you have the chance to reflect back on your event, you would agree with us. Our customer service was top notch and we did a pretty good job reflecting your style.


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