Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's not easy being green ...

In the past couple of months, we at Synergetic have made a huge effort to be more "green." And as Kermit so eloquently put it, it's not easy being green.

As a DJ and Production Company, we use a fair amount of paper and electricity. In an effort to be more environmentally friendly, we are doing as much electronically as we can and have cut out paper everywhere possible. Accessing our leads and getting the DJ's and production staff the information they need takes a few extra steps now - but it's worth it.

We also switched all of the light bulbs over to high efficiency light bulbs, we've stopped purchasing bottled water, and now have a water cooler and we also have a recycling program in place. We are doing everything we can to minimize our carbon footprint and are open to suggestions of what we can do better.

What do you do to minimize your carbon footprint? How do you celebrate the earth, not just today, but everyday?


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