Monday, January 2, 2012

Awesome Mendenhall Inn Event

I love it when we get clients that want to drape out the dance floor! I love it even more when they want to use the drape for a reveal later on in the night. And that is exactly what we did at Stacie’s wedding.

In September, Stacie needed a way to block off the ballroom section of Mendenhall Inn for her ceremony so the guests wouldn’t see the rest of the room. She wanted them to come into a room that looked like a ceremony space, as well as have a nice backdrop for the photographer, Jennifer Childress.

We accomplished just that and more. In talking to Stacie, we told her that she should just leave the drape up around the dance floor. We can pull it back and create a cabana style effect to surround the dance floor in.

It was a great idea. You can see from the pictures that it looked really different! The guests loved it, the staff had never seen anything like it and even the DJ was snapping pictures of it left and right.

Let us help you in creating something a little different that can add a unique design to the wedding. All it takes is a simple phone call, 215.633.122, and some brainstorming. We are waiting to listen to your ideas!

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