Monday, March 28, 2011

{Get To Know Us Monday} Nikki

Good morning! Today we're introducing Nikki, our new Administrative Assistant. Nikki has been with Synergetic almost a year now, but was just recently promoted to Administrative Assistant. Chances are, if you've called our offices in the last couple of weeks, you've spoken to her.

Becky: Tell me a little about yourself.

Nikki: I’m 26 years old, I married Rob, one of my childhood best friends, on 10/10/09, and I have a 4 year old son named Aidan. I love, love, love the shore and will live down there one day!

B: Where are you from?

N: I’ve lived in Northeast Philadelphia my whole life. I currently live in Mayfair and am trying to sell my house, if anyone’s interested!

B: What is your main role at Synergetic?

N: I am an Administrative Assistant. I actually just started this role a few weeks ago. My job is to generate contracts, keep in touch and up to date with the clients, confirm all of the events, and anything else that comes my way!

B: What’s your favorite type of music? Do you have a favorite song?

N: I listen to anything and everything except some rap. I am a huge Lady Gaga fan (weird, I know)! Dynamite is probably my favorite song right now only because my son knows it word for word and it's hysterical to listen to him sing it!

B: What did you want to be when you grew up? Is it still an option?

N: I always wanted to be a detective until I realized I’d have to be a cop first. I’m married to a cop and would never want that career! I then changed it to a dentist; started some classes and then had my son. I realized that I’d rather be home with him. I decided only recently it was time to go back to work and here I am! I will never become a dentist or detective and I’m ok with that!

B: Favorite things to do/hobbies?

N: Like I said before, I love the shore. Cape May to be exact. I get down there every chance I get, even in the winter. It’s my favorite thing to do. I also love to cook and plan parties. My family actually thinks I’m borderline OCD about Aidan’s birthday parties and any family baby/bridal showers!

B: Favorite movies?

N: Toy Story (all of them) and UP. I love Pixar. I don’t really go to the movies much, I never did.

B: Do you have any pets?

N: I’m almost embarrassed to admit this! My husband LOVES animals, and me, not so much, but we have quite a few. I have a three-legged pitbull named Tres, who is 3 and is Aidan’s best friend. I have 2 cats; PopEye is 2 and has one eye and Oreo is 3. We have turtles and fish and just recently a crab. My house is a zoo!

B: What do you love about what you do?

N: I love that Synergetic gets to be a part in making someone’s wedding amazing. And I love that I am part of that team.

Make sure to check back every Monday for another Q&A. If you have anything you'd like to know about us, leave a comment with your question, post it on our Facebook page or send it in to

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