Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Different Perspective

Most people work in their chosen profession every day and never get to see things from "the other side." People tend to get deeply imbedded in their work and forget what it is like to be the beneficiary of that work. When a painter paints a house he does it to the best of his ability, collects payment and sees the satisfaction on his clients faces when they see their house for the first time. The painter doesn't get to experience that since he would be painting his own house. The Wedding industry is no different.

Back in November I had the honor of being invited to my close friends wedding. Frank and Tara met a long time ago and I cannot remember a time when I saw one without the other. It was a unique experience for me to attend their wedding as a guest. Jason and Ed were the DJ’s, and they also designed the room with up lighting, a dance floor wash, and the couple’s monogram. Frank and Tara held their wedding at the beautiful Blue Bell Country Club and Jen and Gina from Artistic Imagery were there to capture the day.

The reception was full of great food, drinks, music, and friends - but that is not what made this wedding different for me. Working weddings just about every weekend, I tend to be the painter who seeks satisfaction through his client’s reactions. So when I see a client’s face “light up” when they first see their reception room, or I mix in a perfect song that takes them back to middle school - it’s gratifying to know that I helped create that reaction. At Frank and Tara’s wedding I had no part in the design, setup, or execution of their wedding, however I was in the reception room when they first walked in. I was so glad to see both of their faces light up with happiness when they noticed every detail of the room. This time was different. I was witnessing two of my closest friends experience their wedding reception for the first time - and that moment will forever be embedded in my memory.

Tara was as stunning as a bride can be on her wedding day; and it wasn’t because she had her makeup done, and her hair “did.” It was because the love of her life was standing right next to her and they were experiencing their entire relationship bundled together in a series of moments throughout their wedding day. The moment I most remember is when they walked into the room, however I’m pretty sure their moment was when they said I do. Good Luck guys, I look forward to many years of health and happiness with the two of you.


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