Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Movin on up ...

We're moving! And we're very excited about it. We won't be having any meetings from Wednesday, November 10 to Monday, November 15, but plan to be back up and running fully on Tuesday, November 16.

Our new address is, 776 Haunted Lane, Bensalem, PA 19020, (our phone number and fax numbers are not changing), please send all mail to our new address!

We're going from about 3,000 square feet to almost 10,000 square feet. We will have 2 conference rooms as well as a lighting demonstration area, live mixing, and opportunities for you to be a DJ. We have so much more space, so we can offer you a lot more. When you come for a meeting, you will be able to see some of our lighting options right away - you can get a feel for how your room could look.

We can't wait for you all to see it!

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