Monday, November 8, 2010

{Get To Know Us Mondays} Ed

This week we sat down with Ed. Along with helping Aaron out with all of our production equipment and setting up lighting and drape regularly, he's also a DJ.

Becky: Where are you from?
Ed: Levittown, PA. Born and raised in suburbia.

B: Do you have a “day” job?
E: I work in the shop, checking equipment and packing shows. Other then that my daily job is hours of homework for my engineering degree.

B: What’s your favorite type of music? A favorite song?
E: Alternative Rock, or Rock in general - music involving many different instruments. I just have always loved hearing instruments working together to make a song and appreciated the level of skill involved in making it sound right. My favorite song changes often, depending on the group I'm into at that time. But one of my all time favorites has to be Yellow Ledbetter by Pearl Jam.

B: How did you get into DJing?
E: Being that my good friends were already DJ’ing, I was around it pretty often. As I went out to events with them and just watched crowd reactions knowing that you could control the mood of these events with just the music played, it grew on me. I decided to hop on board and learn everything I could because simply, its fun.

B: What did you want to be when you grew up? Is it still an option?
E: Well, I am planning on using my degree in Electrical Engineering. My first option right now is to hopefully begin working again on projects for NASA, as I had the amazing experience of an internship with them. We'll see what happens after I graduate.

B: What’s your favorite type of event to DJ, why?
E: Weddings. I love the variety of music involved. From Motown, to rock, to new age music - its all involved in one night - something to please everyone.

B: What are your favorite things to do? Do you have any hobbies?
E: I have played guitar for 4 years now. I am becoming an avid snowboarder, and love Philly sports in general. If I could be outside during any time of the year doing something fun, that’s probably where you’d find me.

B: Do you have a favorite movie?
E: Not so much a particular movies as a genre - comedies. Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison are hands down favorites, yet I have a ton more to choose from. I also like mystery type movies that keep you guessing until the end.

B: Do you have any pets? What are they? Names? How old?
E: I have a dog, a Chow and Iketa mix named Kookie. Shes 12, an old lady. I have a cat, named Cici, shes 2 and a handful and a bird, a yellow-headed amazon named Jason. He's between 37-40 years old. They live into their 70’s.

Make sure to check back every Monday for another Q&A. If you have anything you'd like to know about us, leave a comment with your question, post it on our Facebook page or email it to

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